Shading, Texturing UV Foundation level 1¶
Shading, Texturing UV
This badge focuses on the basics of applying materials to objects, starting with adjusting key properties like diffuse color, roughness, metallic, and specular values. It involves assigning different materials to individual faces of a model and incorporating texture-based colors to enhance the realism of the object.
What a student will learn
Material: Coloring objects
- Diffuse (Base Color) material
- Roughness, Metallic, Specular
- Applying materials to different faces
- Assigning material to faces
- Texture based color.
Interface / Keyboard
Material Properties tab
- Preview
- Adding/ deleting new material
- Assigning new material
PBR shader
- values
- Create | delete a new material
- Apply material to an object
- Assign material to a face
- Basic understanding of materials and shading.
Example tasks for Animation Foundation Level 0
Making a Color Dice.