Modeling Foundation Level 1¶
What a student will learn
Primitive (Mesh) Objects
- Cube
- Plane
- Cone
- Cylinder
- UV Spheres
- Suzanne
Manipulations of objects and meshes
- Add
- Delete
- Move
- Rotate
- Scale
Interface / Keyboard
- Left click: Select the object
- Press MMB: Rotate viewport
- Scrolling MMB: Scale up/down viewport
- Camera widget
- Viewport Shading
- Undo
- Add menu: Add (Mesh) object
- File menu: Save file
Tools in Object mode
- Move tool
- Scale tool
- Rotate tool
- X key to delete the selected object
- Add and delete objects
- Move, rotate and scale objects along x, y and z axes
- Rotate the viewport to look at different parts of the scene
- Look through the camera lens
- Save blender file
- A scene is made up of objects, lights and camera
- Basics of object transformation and manipulation
- Shading modes
- Everything is editable!
Example tasks for Modeling Foundation Level 1